3585 World Cup Way,
TX 75038, United States

Referee Corner

All referees in ISA go through a formal training and development process.
Aspiring referees are required to complete referee training sponsored by the North Texas State Soccer Association and its affiliates.  The base, Grade 8, course includes 16-1/2 hours or classroom instruction and field sessions.  Students must pass a referee certification test with a score of 75% or better.
The Referee Committee supports a mentoring and assessment program in which senior referees and assessors monitor and instruct referees each and every weekend during the season.  Assessors determine whether referees are prepared to move to the “next level” of games.
Coaches are invited and urged to evaluate the performance of all ISA referees for all league games.  These Referee Evaluations go directly to the Referee Committee and serve as feedback indicating which referees are doing well and which may need more training or mentoring.
Typically new referees will start with younger recreational games, and work their way through the ranks to higher level games.
Each year, all referees are required to pass a recertification test as a refresher to understanding the Laws of the Game.

We welcome you to become familiar with the Laws of the Game by clicking on the link below

IFAB Referee Laws of the Game

2019 – 2020 IFAB Law Changes

Outline Summary of 2019 – 2020 IFAB Law Changes

Want to become a Referee?! Contact Trey Parr at VP@irvingsoccer.org for more info. 


Referee Forms